Test Equipment Experts is a fast-paced test equipment sales and electronic equipment rental, calibration and repair company, with a strong focus on customer service. We recognize that our employees are the key to the success of our business, and we are committed to providing a positive and healthy work environment for all of our employees.
Respective to electronic equipment rental and test equipment sales, we maintain our market leadership through the relentless pursuit of quality, performance, innovation and speed. Test Equipment Experts will derive its ongoing success from teamwork. This means talented professionals able to boost efficiency, streamline costs, and most importantly, innovate. Our unique people give Test Equipment Experts the edge we need to succeed in the test instruments market.
Test Equipment Experts is an equal opportunity employer. We solicit and hire applications regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, disability, or veteran status. Our policy is to employ the most qualified applicants best suited for test equipment sales and service.
Though our hiring is limited, we are interested in dynamic, customer-focused individuals to join our team. If you’re a sales or test instruments professional and you're interested in being considered for a future position at Test Equipment Experts, please email your resume to info@testequipmentexperts.com.